A Task is an action the assignee has to complete manually.
This type of action is very common in workflows.
In the Expense Claim workflow below, the Expense reimbursement and Bookkeeping tasks are used to remind the Accounting team to complete the actions accordingly.
Used in workflows like
Workflow: Production Orders
Workflow : Production orders Follow these steps to build your own custom Production Orders workflow. 30 min Easy You need a Geeers account to build
Geeers x France Processus
Find here Gontran Boizanté’s talk with France Processus.
Matinée Excellence Opérationnelle
How to get started with Business Process Management as an SME or startup ? This is the question we explored today at Technopole Helioparc. Participants
Matinée Excellence Opérationnelle – 24 mai 2023
Matinée Excellence Opérationnelle RETOURS D’EXPÉRIENCE : optimiser les processus 🗓️ 24 mai 2023 ⏰ Accueil à 8h30 – Début des conférences à 9h00 – Fin à
Workflow: Support Ticketing
Workflow: Support Ticketing Follow these steps to build your own custom support ticketing workflow. 15 min Easy You need a Geeers account to build this
Geeers x Arts & Métiers Alumni
Geeers’ CEO Gontran Boizanté meets the Arts & Métiers Alumni community.